Essential Services for ISPs
ISPs, either incumbents or virtual providers and everyone in between, are being squeezed from all sides.
Competition from your rivals is intense. Local regulations are in a constant state of flux. Technologies and tariffs change daily. Content and kit deals are stuck almost hourly. New opportunities come and go on a regular basis, sometimes in seconds.
How can you plan without context?
How can you see how effective you are, and just as importantly everyone else is, without measurement?
Who is doing what where and what difference does it make?
Dozens of your competitors use Point Topic’s services to give them the edge. How can you keep up?
How Point Topic can support internet providers:
Global Broadband Statistics lets you look at what is working for who today and tomorrow with detailed subscriber statistics and forecasts.
UK Plus provides all of this, but with more detail and focusing on the UK only.
If you’re operating in Europe we can even offer you all this with a geographic context too.
Point Topic’s Broadband Competition Map of Europe is for any organisation which needs to have an international view of the broadband market in Europe. ISPs use the map and data sets to identify the best opportunities for their technology or offering and to market it with maximum effectiveness. Where are the best opportunities for broadband service providers to grow, whether by rolling out their own infrastructure or using bitstream provided by others?