Point Topic is no stranger to adopting new technologies and platforms to better serve our users. It's been an ongoing commitment of ours to ensure our datasets are accessible, usable, and relevant.
We're excited to announce that we've recently collaborated with Snowflake, making a selection of our datasets available on their platform.
Engaging with Snowflake over the past months has been both insightful and productive. Our choice to leverage Snowflake's cloud-native infrastructure is a reflection of its growing importance in the data world.

Some key details include:
Point Topic's data on broadband subscription rates, technological adoption trends, market share analysis, and predictive growth figures are now housed on Snowflake.
Users have the opportunity to merge these datasets with their own, providing richer, more complete insights.
With Snowflake’s performance-driven infrastructure, you can expect timely access to our data without any major hitches.
The pay-as-you-use model from Snowflake makes it cost-effective for users to pull and analyze data based on their unique needs.

Snowflake, with its cloud-driven approach, aligns with our vision for the future: a connected world where data is not just available but is actionable and drives decision-making.
Stay tuned for more detailed insights on how to make the most of Point Topic datasets on Snowflake, and also datasets from our sister company, Expert Intelligence. Also, click below you can create a 30-day free trial account on Snowflake to view our dataset samples free of charge.